Standing Rules 2020-2021

Standing Rules


  1. The meetings for the Literature and Busy Hands Sections will start at 1:00 PM o the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month respectively, from September through April. The May and December meetings will be a joint meeting with the sections at time and place chosen by the hostesses.
  2. The meeting of the Board will start at 10:30 AM on the first Thursday of the month August through June. June is at the discretion of the new club president.
  3. The general meeting will start at 11:30 AM on the third Tuesday of the month at a place of the hostesses’ choosing. December and May will be an evening meeting and will start at 6:00 PM.
  4. Hostesses of each meeting, Sections and General will be responsible for getting the information on these meetings to one of the public relations committee members if none in attendance.
  5. If you agree to attend the general meeting but find you are unable to do so, and the restaurant/caterer charges the club for your meal, you will be required to pay that price to the club. This can be decided on a situation-by-situation basis.
  6. Operation Smile cup will be based at general meetings, excluding May and December.
  7. You must either work or donate tat Holiday House to avoid $5 entrance fee.
  8. It will be up to the owners of the home if children under 10 will be allowed to attend Holiday House. (When children are allowed to attend Holiday House, children under 12 will be free and 12 and above $5 each.
  9. Holiday House gift certificates must first be approved by the board.
  10. 10% of th club’s main raffle proceeds will go to an organization chosen by the Holiday House Chairman inst3ead of individual raffles.
  11. Any student male or female (traditional or non-traditional) who carries 12 hours at WWCC is eligible to apply for the education grants which can be used for either tuition or books.
  12. Preference for education grants is given to the stude3nt who has a family member belonging to WCSC.
  13. The club will provide Christmas Decorations and decorate trees at the Rock Springs Historical Museum in November and un-decorate in January.
  14. As WCSC does not have a standing installation ceremony, the incoming president is free to choose her own.
  15. The incoming president should not have to hostess the May general meeting.
  16. Clean-up for the East entrance of Rock Springs shall coincide with the Rock Spring’s City Clean-Up Day and the second clean-up day will be scheduled in October by the Conservation chairman.
  17. The Pledge of Allegiance will be said at both Board and General Meetings.
  18. The collect will be recited at the General Meeting only.
  19. Board will vote in March if there is money available to set aside up to the amount of $200 to be divided evenly among those going to Wyoming State Convention.
  20. The second Tuesday in December and May shall be a party for all sections with the hostesses being the section leaders.
  21. The club will pay for longevity pins for members starting 2018 in ten-year increments.
  22. All information pertaining to a member in the yearbook is to be checked by the member and corrected by the member by informing the President of the Club if needed within the year the yearbook was printed.
  23. Members will not purchase or set aside items to purchase until noon on Saturday at Holiday House. Members will dress in dressy attire for Friday night and business casual on Saturday. Members working or contributing items to be sold do not need to pay $5 entrance fee. Items brought must be collected by the members at the close on Saturday or will be disposed of at discretion of Holiday House chairman.