The members enjoyed a meal at Eve’s in Rock Springs. The only business was the initiation of a new member Andra Bragg. Beautiful seasonal arrangements were given out as prizes.
Members and guests dawned their bright orange vests and cleaned up the highway by exit 107 in Rock Springs. Sad that so much trash ends up on our roadsides but glad we are able to help our community and clean this area up twice a year.
Members from Cheyenne and Rock Springs were well represented at the Western States Convention in Idaho in September. There was a lot of information on projects to work on in the future and information on what states in the western region have already done in the last year. Mary Ellen Broc our International President was an inspirational speaker.
We will have our next general meeting on October 15th at 11:30 AM in the Downtown Rock Springs Library. The speaker will be April Dittman talking about the program she runs called THRIVE. The meal will be baked potato bar and salad. Cost will be divided between members attending. Great chance to see what we are about and pick up your application to join!
Join us at exit 107 to cleanup our section of the highway on October 5th at 10:00 AM. Bring the supplies you want to use such as rakes or long rods for picking up. Gloves that fit you are a plus although we have some. Trash bags and vests will be provided.
Please make sure you attend the board meeting on October 3rd at 10:30 at the downtown library. Only board members are able to vote but club members may attend.
Our literature section will meet on October 8th at the downtown library at 1:00. Bring your books to trade or give away. Books for adults may be donated to the VA Library at the VA hospital in Salt Lake City or to the Purple Bus an outreach project of the Child Developmental Center. Children’s books may be donated to both of these places as well. Can’t wait to hear the summaries of what people have been reading.
Join us for garden section on October 1st at 1:00 at the downtown Library in Rock Springs. Our garden section raised enough money to buy a beehive for Heifer international!
Busy hands met on September 24th at the Rock Springs Library. Some members were signing Christmas cards for our military. Other members were selecting fabric to go with various patterns to be made for Holiday House.
Our general meeting for September was a potluck held at the downtown library on September 17. We were thrilled to meet Leo who is one of the rescue dogs that the RSPD has trained to be a police dog. The officers told us about the program and the requirements. We voted to donate up to a $1000 for a protective vest for the dog named Fen who is old enough to get one and to work on raising another $1000 to get a vest for
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