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Update: Board Meeting February 2018

Today’s Board Meeting was very energetic with discussions on missions, vision, and overall direction of the club. It was great to see many members in attendance. Growth is vital to the continued success of WCRS! Interested in meeting new people? Love to help others? Like to share a talent or your time to your community? Then Woman’s Club may be right for you! Contact us today to find out how to join this growing community of Woman in Wyoming today!! Our Motto is: Service is Continue reading →

Update: January 2018 Busy Hands

Update: The Busy Hands section of the WCRS that was held @ 1:00 pm in the Ferrero room at the Rock Springs Library today was a success!! Regardless of their current crafting status, it was a great adventure trying something new. They learned the basics of Rag Rug crocheting and built a strong foundation! Just remember: As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. If you focus on loving the process rather than just the results, you’ll be building a hobby that can stick with you Continue reading →

Update: Genealogy Jan 18, 2018

The Genealogy Club section met today at the Rock Springs library on C street in the Ferrero room at 10:30 am & information was flying!! The meeting actually ran over because there was so much to explore & learn! If you are interested on how and where to look up your family history join us next month! Contact us if you have any questions or would like to join the Woman’s Club and be included in any and all club activities.

January 2018 General Meeting Update

The January 2018 General Meeting was an enjoyable and informative session. Lots of topics covered, in addition too new projects and goals discussed for the new year. Our guest speaker Taneesa Congdon, Director of The Center for Families & Children, enlightened us all to the on going projects, activities, and services the Center has to offer. Many donations were collected (thank you) from all the ladies in attendance. The Italian buffet lunch provided by the Outlaw Inn (as usual) was delicious! Don’t miss the next Continue reading →

Winter Board Meeting

Winter Board Meeting! It will be held in Cheyenne on January 20, 2018. The location is the Willow Room at the Cheyenne Public Library, 2200 Pioneer Ave. We will begin at 10:30 am. Mary Lee is arranging a no-host lunch to be catered by the Library Café. She needs a headcount. Please, RSVP to either Betty Auld or Mary Lee Dixon before January 17. (If you do not RSVP, we will assume you are not coming. That means no lunch!) The tentative agenda will include Continue reading →

Happening NOW

  The Woman’s Club of Rock Springs is selling Community Day Booklets for Herberger’s! Herbergers provides a way for nonprofits to earn money for projects during their twice annual Community Days promotion. They provide coupon books to these organizations to sell at a cost of $5 each. The organization also sells the coupon books at Herbergers during the days of the sale. Money from books sold by the organization is kept by the organization. Herbergers also donates a portion of the books they sell to Continue reading →

Busy Hands Section

Our next Busy Hands section meeting will be on January 23rd at 1:00 pm in the Ferrero room at the Rock Springs Library. Mary Huff will be demonstrating how to make rag rugs. If you have a large crocheting needle bring it along (a size N (10 mm) would be good) or one will be provided.