We will meet for the Garden section on February 6th 1pm in the Ferrero room at the Rock Springs Library. Our host will be Marcia Volner.
Our newest section, Genealogy section will be held on January 18th at 10:30 and will be hosted by Leslie Jo Gatti. We will meet in the Ferrero room at the downtown Rock Springs Library. Bring your computer if you want.
♪ “Oh What Fun!!” ♪ ♫ This years GFWC Christmas dinner was held at the Western Wyoming College. 19 members, 2 new members, and guests enjoyed a delicious catered dinner of Grilled Chicken. The delightful entertainment was singer Melody Williams who sang a variety of christmas carols and songs. Activities included Christmas Word Scramble, Trivia games, Guess the song, and Christmas Crackers, along with fun conversation, socializing and Door Prizes. Wonderful Food!
Whatnots &Wine in the Emporium at 513 Bridger in Rock Springs will be selling RSWC kitchen boas and wine cozies to aid club fundraising.
Woman’s Club of Rock Springs GFWCW thanks everyone for making this our most successful holiday house ever!