GFWC-W April 2018 News Blast
Bloom Where You Are Planted
This is my final News Blast letter as Wyoming State President. During the past 2 years I have become acquainted with so many amazing Wyoming Clubwomen. I hope you have removed the words “only” and “just” as adjectives from your self-descriptions and that you have your 30-second “elevator speech” memorized.
The upcoming Convention promises to be wonderful. The GFWC Recording Secretary, Suellen Brazil, will be the Keynote Speaker. She will be presenting a Leadership workshop on Friday. I hope everyone will make an effort to attend as much of the Convention as possible. In addition to all the reports, workshops, and ice breakers, you will meet other dedicated Wyoming Clubwomen.
I want to thank all Clubs for the work you have done in my areas of concentration: Veterans and Literacy. All Clubs have stepped up your work in both areas. I hope you will continue this. One of the brightest spots in the last two years has been the increase in membership. Wyoming has seen an increase of more than 10% in membership. This has been rare in other states. It is a direct result of the work each Club is doing locally. You are not hiding your light under a basket. You are telling your friends. Your “elevator speeches” are working. Continue spreading the word about all the wonderful work you have done and are working on!
All of you will continue to be a part of my life. I hope to remain part of the GFWCWyoming State Board. But I also plan to become reacquainted with my sewing machine and not be as dependent on my calendar. I am hoping many of you will stay in touch by e-mail and Facebook. I will be forever grateful for the last two years of serving you.
Forever in Federation,
Leslie Jo Gatti
GFWCWyoming President
ART CHAIRMAN- Mary Ann Kamla
Thank you to all the ladies that entered the State, Art, Craft and Fiber Art Contests. Your entries were very much appreciated. It has been a privilege to be your Art Chairman for the last two years. See you at the convention!!
WE BROKE A RECORD! I received 53 photographs for the convention contest this year.
We have not ever had that many participate, at least not that my records show. I want to
thank all of you who took the time to submit your forms and prepare your photographs.
Some of you filled out your waivers and some did not. Remember, if you get a best of show
for your photograph your picture is eligible to be sent to National for the National contest which
may result in winning a financial prize.
So if you win best of show and you want it sent to national, please make
sure you have given me a signed waiver. I will have to mail the winner photos no
later than May 14th. I will have some waiver forms with me at the convention.
My term as Chair of Photography will soon be over and I certainly have enjoyed learning
how it all works and appreciate the individuals who entered photos.
Thank you! Bev Campbell
International Outreach- Trish Peoples
Human Trafficking: What an enormous and overwhelming problem! Maybe you think its too contemplate. Come to the GFWC-Wyoming State Convention and learn about some ways to combat human trafficking that are manageable and fun. We’ll talk about a bra drive, plastering high-traffic areas with flyers, and buying cupcakes. You can start your support of human trafficking survivors by bringing your broken, mismatched and out-of-date jewelry to the State Convention!
Leadership Chairman—Carolyn Turbiville
Delegating and Shaping New Leaders-
Sharing responsibilities keeps numbers interested and enthusiastic about your club. You might be reluctant to delegate because you want to make sure the job is done “right”. However, your way is generally only one of a variety of ways that a job can be done well. If club members are not asked to take on responsibility, they may feel unimportant and become apathetic.
State Writing Contest Chairman- Marcia Volner
Thank you to Rock Springs for their support of the writing contest with their wonderful entries. I hope next Convention will find short stories and poems from more of our clubs. Writing is a way to preserve history. What do you think is important for future generations to know? Write it down and preserve it. Have a great summer!
Junior Special Programs- Marcia Volner
I am hoping you will all continue to do special activities with young people this summer. Reading the reports from clubs was inspiring. We are winding down for the summer but young people still need our support. Remember to document all the wonderful things you do over the summer. Some of you may help with a camp, read to children at libraries or in summer school or another activity that supports young people. All of it is important and helps our next generation see how important volunteers can be.
ESO Challenge:
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and the job’s a game.”
P.L. Travers, Mary Poppins
Just For Fun:
What would you get if 120 rabbits took one step backwards at the same time?
March Answer: If you have two coins which total 35 cents and one of the coins is not a dime, what are the two coins? A quarter
Things to Do in Cheyenne During Convention
Many of you may be coming from out of town so below are some places you might like to visit while you are here. (in no particular order).
Wyoming State Museum
2301 Central Ave
(307) 777-7022
Open Mon-Sat 9am-4pm
CFD Old West Museum
4610 Carey Ave (Frontier Park)
(307) 778-7290
Open Mon-Sat 10a-5p
Cheyenne Depot Museum
121 W. 15th St.
(307) 638-6338
Open Mon-Fri 9-5; Sat 9-3; Sun 11-3
Historic Governor’s Mansion
300 E. 21st Street
(307) 777-7878
Open Wed-Sat 9a-5p
Cheyenne Botanic Gardens
710 Lions Park Drive
(307) 637-6458
Open Wed-Sun 10a-5p
Messenger’s Old West Museum
616 Crook Ave
(307) 625-8959
Open Mon-Fri 8a-5p
Nagel Warren Mansion Tea
222 E. 17th Street
(307) 637-3333
Open Fri/Sat 2p-4p
(Reservations Required)
Danielmarks Brewery & Tap Room
209 E 18th Street
(307) 514-0411
Open til 8pm- meals and tours