You may contact us by using the form below or by calling the following members.
Located at 700 Broadway (top of underpass).
You need to make an appointment to pick up or drop off equipment.
The following people are the contacts:
Charlene Stillion 354-7056
Karla 350-5707
Please leave a message and one of us will get back with you as soon as we possibly can!
Please DO NOT leave equipment by the door. We do not go by every day and the equipment can be ruined in inclement weather. Again, call and make arrangements with one of the volunteers.
- Side View of Building
- Corner view of building
- Equipment rental ready to go!
- More equipment
- So much equipment
The Lending Closet loans out medical equipment such as wheelchairs, crutches, knee scooters, shower chairs, toilet chairs, and walkers to individuals and families in need at no cost.
All Lending Closet items must be returned once they are no longer needed.
Please make an appointment in advance to pick-up and drop-off equipment. The Lending Closet does not have regular office hours and is only open by appointment. To discuss your needs and make an appointment please contact us through our website.