State Fall Workshop

Twenty-one members from across Wyoming gathered in Yoder, Wyoming on September 21 to learn more about what clubs need to be doing with documenting, international initiatives and future changes. The winning skit about the 7 grand initiatives that won second at the Western Region Conference was performed by the Cheyenne ladies. They will be going on to perform at next years international conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Lunch was prepared by the Yoder Woman’s Club.

Grant for WWCC

Woman’s Club of Rock Springs GFWC is proud to announce the applicants receiving their fall $500 grants to Western Wyoming Community College. The winners are Carol Ann Larson, AJ Maughan, Cameron Metcalf and Michaelee Wisniewski. We wish these student’s our best on their future endeavors. We accept applications from any student taking 12 or more hours the semester they are applying for. WCRS thanks all the generous people of our community for supporting our fundraisers which allows us to give back to our community.

Summer Literature

The Literature Section of Woman’s Club of Rock Springs GFWC will meet on the second Tuesday of June, July and August at 1:00 in the back of Sidekicks at 507 Broadway St. in Rock Springs. Members may purchase things to drink and eat if desired. Bring your favorite book to discuss!

RSWC Yard Sale

We are collecting items for our second annual June yard sale. Please contact Judy Litchfield at 382-3880 or Marcia Volner at 389-8388 to arrange for donations to be delivered. The sale will be on June 15th. Contact Judy if you will be able to help at the sale or with set up and take down. We hope to have another sale the end of September so if you can’t help with this one keep the next one in mind!

General Meeting for March

Our March 19th General Meeting will be held at Coyote Creek at 11:30 AM. You will be able to order off the menu. The speaker will be Ken Larimore of the Rock Springs Police Department speaking on Human Trafficking. Please send a message if you would like to attend. We are always excited about new people visiting and joining our club. The more we have the more we can do for our community!